Federal State Institution of Culture

Russian State
Art Library

"Art to help the arts"
В электронном каталоге На сайте

Creative Masterworks of Librarians. Exhibition in the Russian State Art Library

Date: 28.05.2014


The 16th exhibition “Creative Masterworks of Librarians” was opened on May 28th in the Blue Hall of the Library and gathered our colleagues from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Kursk, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Kirov Region (total 92 participants).

The Section of Art and Museum Libraries of RLA and RSAL helped make the All-Russian Library Day a real festival of art, beauty and creativity.

The BiblioGorod report:

The exhibition included original felting works. Some masters presented tridimensional toys; some made so called woolen watercolor paintings, decorations, garments or accessories.

Some works were demonstrated for the first time, like ceramic flower arranging, majolica, topiary, sweet-design, pape-art.

The Library was happy to see all long-term friends, fellow-workers and, of course, everyone who tried themselves in the creative field for the first time.

Many participants, who got the certificates and memorable presents, admitted that their creativity filled their lives with joy and made them really happy.

The exhibition was followed by a concert.

Everybody was welcome to visit the exhibition and to see how talented the librarians were. The exhibition was held from May 28th till June 11th.
